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When is the Best Time to Trim Trees?

Have some low hanging or dead branches? Trees getting a little too big for their space? How do you know when is the best time to trim trees? Simple. Yes, I say simple but I have been trimming trees for 30 years. There is a little bit of science behind “simple”. Let’s dive in… A […]

Fall Seeding

Starting now until mid October is the optimum time to apply grass seed to your lawn and have successful results.  It certainly is more desirable to apply grass seed now then waiting for next spring when weeds and cold weather can really hamper your efforts. Even though night time temperatures can be less than 60 […]

When is it Time to Change Blades on Your Husqvarna Mower?

Most people look at mowing the lawn as nothing more than a chore to get done as quickly as possible. Others see mowing their lawn as an opportunity to make their yard look great and to give their home curb appeal. In any case, it’s important to take care of your lawn equipment so it […]

Properly Mixing Husqvarna 2 Cycle Oil

Everyone who does lawn work frequently knows how superior Husqvarna outdoor power equipment is when compared to the competition. Hopefully, they also know that the proper fuel and oil mixtures are necessary to get the most out of these pieces of equipment. Properly mixing your Husqvarna 2 cycle oil is very important. Taking proper care […]

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