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Late Summer Lawn Care and Maintenance

This summer has been a real scorcher, and many homeowners are wondering what they can do to help improve the health of their lawn. After a hot season with little rainfall, it’s important to make sure your grass, flowers, and shrubbery are ready to face the hardships of winter. Not only does the lawn need to recover, it has to be prepared to meet the potential problems of another rough season. There are a few things that can be done by you to help repair and prepare your lawn – along with a few professional services that could be very helpful.

When it comes to late summer lawn care, it’s important to identify what a lawn needs before taking any actions. The first step is to check the lawn and other plants for distress. Brown areas in the grass, poor growth in flowers, and lack of growth in shrubbery can be good indicators that treatment is needed. Water isn’t the only thing a lawn needs. Most lawns would benefit greatly from additional treatments such as fertilizer or minerals. There are a lot of different supplements that can be added to a lawn, so it’s important to choose the right one.

Your grass could look this green in fall with the proper care.

Lawns that have turned brown might benefit from an iron supplement. Nitrogen is also a very common addition to most lawn care treatments. When combined with a healthy amount of water, these treatments can work wonders. If they aren’t balanced correctly they could cause serious harm to all the plants in the yard. The needs of grass can vary based on the species and the region. Talking to a lawn care specialist at Pantano can help make those needs clearer. The advice or a lawn care specialist can go a long way, even if they don’t apply the treatments themselves and leave the work up to you.

Taking care of any lawn can be difficult. When it comes to lawn care in NJ it’s no different. There are dozens of different kinds of grass and each of them has their own requirements. Just because the neighbor’s grass looks great doesn’t mean yours will. There’s no need to be jealous; simply find the right treatment and get that lush green look back. Sometimes it’s just a matter of finding that perfect supplement to help give the grass a fighting chance. For more detailed information, it’s best to find out exactly what strain of grass is in your yard and a Pantano employee will help you learn if there are any steps that can be taken to improve health and heartiness for the coming season.

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