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Landscaping projects to do as a family

Not every landscaping project has to be a one-man show. There are plenty of ways to get your family involved and make lawn and garden work a team effort. Not only could the time you spend working together bring you closer, but it could also teach your children the importance of hard work. Take a look at a few of the family-friendly landscaping projects Pantano Power Equipment has outlined below. 

Garden decorations
What lawn and garden would be complete without a few personal touches? Let your family's creative juices flow and craft some decorations for your yard. Do-it-yourself cement mosaic stones or hand prints make nice additions to gardens. If everyone in the family creates one, you could even build a stepping stone pathway. Hand-painted bird feeders are another fun project to undertake as a family. When you've finished adding your personal touches to the feeder, help your kids hang it somewhere special. 

Raking leaves
As the summer draws to a close, the trees begin to shed their leaves. Most kids can easily handle a garden rake. Older kids may even be able to operate a Husqvarna leaf blower. So while you work on other things around the yard, the rest of the family could be tacking all of the fallen leaves. These can either be saved for mulch, or you could cut loose a little and make big piles for your kids to jump in when the hard work is over. 

Even the littlest family member can lend a hand with simple projects.Even the littlest family member can lend a hand with simple projects.

Planting and weeding a flower bed
It's a widely recognized fact that kids love to get dirty. Why not put this into work in your favor? Set aside a space for planting, give your kids a set of quality gardening tools and let your family get to work planting a flower or vegetable garden. You'll want to keep an eye on the progress, but once you've instructed the kids on how deep and how far apart to plant the seeds, it should be relatively easy work. As the vegetables grow and the plants blossom, teach your family how to properly weed the garden. You can all do this together on a weekly basis.

Build a tree house
A tree house can be a lovely addition to the lawn, and it's a great way to keep your kids entertained outdoors during nice weather. As a reward for all your family's hard work, you could team up to build a tree house in the yard. There are many kits that make this project easy enough to complete as a family. The adults could do the heavy building while the kids paint, decorate and enjoy the end result. 

Working with your family in the lawn and garden can be a great way to grow closer. It can also teach your kids the value of hard work and commitment. Above all, it saves you the time and energy you would waste doing all the work by yourself. 

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